MESA Mentoring Award Nomination Guidelines
MESA members are invited to submit to the Secretariat written nominations for the MESA Mentoring Award. Letters of nomination should detail the contributions of the individual. The nominator should also append a biographical sketch and/or CV of the nominee and complete the official nomination form below, listing AT LEAST two other references who will submit letters that describe the nominee's qualifications (Note: the nominator should collect all letters and submit with other materials).
Nominators are reminded that the award is intended for retired faculty who have made substantial contributions to the education and training of others.
The awardee will be announced at the Awards Ceremony at MESA's annual meeting.
The nomination deadline is June 1 each year. Nominations should be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to:
MESA Mentoring Award
Middle East Studies Association
3542 N Geronimo Ave.
Tucson AZ 85705
Please address questions to:
Sara Palmer
Awards Coordinator
tel 520-333-2577
fax 520-207-3166
[email protected]