Lisa Bhungalia
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Elastic Empire: Refashioning War through Aid in Palestine
Stanford University Press
The Albert Hourani Book Award was established in 1991 to recognize outstanding publishing in Middle East studies. The award was named for Albert Hourani to recognize his long and distinguished career as teacher and mentor. Announced at the Awards Ceremony at MESA’s annual meeting, the Albert Hourani Book Award honors a work that exemplifies scholarly excellence and clarity of presentation in the tradition of Albert Hourani.
The award winners appear below. The nomination guidelines are available under “Related” below right.
Elastic Empire: Refashioning War through Aid in Palestine
Stanford University Press
The Shamama Case: Contesting Citizenship Across the Modern Mediterranean
Princeton University Press
Losing Istanbul: Arab-Ottoman Imperialists and the End of Empire
Stanford University Press
Pinelandia: An Anthropology and Field Poetics of War and Empire
University of California Press
Hidden Caliphate: Sufi Saints beyond the Oxus and Indus
Harvard University Press
Empire of Salons: Conquest and Community in Early Modern Ottoman Lands
Princeton University Press
Imperial Mecca: Ottoman Arabia and the Indian Ocean Hajj
Columbia University Press
Polymaths of Islam: Power and Networks of Knowledge in Central Asia
Cornell University Press
How to Make a Wetland: Water and Moral Ecology in Turkey
Stanford University Press
What is 'Islamic' Art? Between Religion and Perception
Cambridge University Press
Waste Siege: The Life of Infrastructure in Palestine
Stanford University Press
The Making of the Medieval Middle East: Religion, Society, and Simple Believers
Princeton University Press
Electrical Palestine: Capital and Technology from the Empire to Nation
University of California Press
Letters of Light: Arabic Script in Calligraphy, Print, and Digital Design
Harvard University Press, 2017
The Iranian Metaphysicals: Explorations in Science, Islam, and the Uncanny
Princeton University Press, 2018
For Love of the Prophet: An Ethnography of Sudan’s Islamic State
Princeton University Press, 2016
Plague and Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean World: The Ottoman Experience, 1347-1600
Cambridge University Press
Modernizing Marriage: Family, Ideology and Law in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Egypt
Syracuse University Press, 2015
Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom, c. 1050-1614
Cambridge University Press, 2014
The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism
Cambridge University Press, 2012
The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire
Princeton University Press, 2012
The Climate of Rebellion in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire
Cambridge University Press
Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean, 1840-1915
Cambridge University Press
Palestinian Village Histories: Geographies of the Displaced
Stanford University Press