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  • UAE

Letter to the President of NYU and the Interim Vice Chancellor of NYUAD regarding the deportation of two NYUAD community members and other repressive acts by the UAE authorities

Our letter expressing concern about reports we have received that students and faculty at NYU Abu Dhabi have been subjected to repressive measures (including deportation) by UAE authorities for expressing their opposition to Israel’s war in Gaza while on campus.

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Continuing detention of Ahmed Mansoor and Nasser bin Ghaith

Letter to UAE authorities expressing concern about the deteriorating health of Ahmed Mansoor, the internationally acclaimed human rights activist and drawing attention to the continuing imprisonment of Nasser bin Ghaith as well as to the Pegasus Project allegations over the use of spyware against academics and others.

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Continuing detention without trial of Ahmed Mansoor

Letter to UAE authorities regarding the one-year anniversary of the detention of Ahmed Mansoor, an internationally-acclaimed human rights activist and recipient of the 2015 Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders, and drawing attention to the imprisonment of dozens of other academics, lawyers, opposition figures, and human rights activists in the UAE.

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UAE Officials Denying Entry to Kristian Coates Ulrichsen for Views De-legitimizing the Bahraini Monarchy

Complaint to UAE officials for denying entry to Dr. Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Co-Director of the Kuwait Research Programme at the London School of Economics (LSE), who on February 22 was denied entry into the United Arab Emirates “for consistently propagated views de-legitimizing the Bahraini monarchy.”

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