MESA announces search for editor of the Review of Middle East Studies

The Middle East Studies Association seeks a new editor for our journal the Review of Middle East Studies (RoMES), published digitally by Cambridge University Press twice a year. The editorship will commence July 1, 2025, when the term of the current editor, Heather Ferguson, comes to an end. It will begin with the Winter 2025 issue for a term of five years (negotiable). The current editorial staff is expected to be available to advise and assist with the transition.

RoMES is MESA’s review journal. The editor is responsible to the MESA Board of Directors for preparing two issues per year. Cambridge University Press formats and digitally distributes RoMES to about 3,000 members (through myMESA) and to thousands of institutional subscribers through world-wide subscriptions and consortia access. The editor receives direction regarding the operation of RoMES, consistent with MESA’s mission statement and with policies established by MESA’s Board of Directors.

Although MESA policy has established the focus of RoMES as the state of the craft in all fields of Middle East studies, there is considerable scope for innovation in approach and emphasis. In addition to scholarly and organizational excellence, MESA seeks an editor with a vision for the journal that remains on the cutting edge of research and pedagogy in this interdisciplinary field.

The editor’s primary responsibility is to maintain the high quality and representative breadth of the journal; to that end, the editor, with approval of the MESA Board, selects associate editors as necessary to help solicit and edit book reviews in the field of Middle East studies.

An hourly part-time managing editor assists with operations, particularly coordinating the review process, typically 400-500 hours spread throughout the year. Support for the managing editor’s compensation will be negotiated with the MESA Secretariat.

Candidates should expect to secure a base of support from their institutions. Institutional support might include office space and equipment, modest administrative costs and/or a course release.

The editor will serve as a member of the MESA’s Publications Committee, and presents at the fall meeting of MESA’s Board of Directors (held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting), as well as the Members Meeting at the MESA Annual Meeting. The editor receives a modest stipend and travel support to attend the annual meeting in person. MESA also provides space and catering for an editorial meeting during the conference.

Applications should include three items in one package: a letter of interest (with statements of editorial plans); a CV documenting editorial and/or managing experience; and demonstration of institutional support. Questions can be sent to Dr. Jeffrey Reger, Executive Director via email at [email protected].

Completed applications should be sent to [email protected].

Application review will begin 21 August 2024,  and continue until a new editor is identified.

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