Kurdish Studies Association (KSA)
The Kurdish Studies Association is a non-profit organization composed of scholars and other individuals interested in Kurdish studies. It was founded in 2000 by a small group of faculty members to: (1) encourage scholarly research and writing on Kurdistan and Kurdish politics, culture, and society; (2) facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among scholars and others sharing interest in these issues; and (3) foster a wider and better-informed understanding of this important region and people of the Middle East. Currently, it has approximately 125 members, mostly faculty members, librarians, and doctoral students from more than 20 different countries. KSA is run by a committee of four officers (President, Vice President, Executive Secretary, and Treasurer) and an executive board. KSA organizes annual meetings (in conjunction with the larger Middle East Studies Association), attracting scholars and researchers from all over the world to present research papers on the Kurds and Kurdistan.
Membership - Annual Dues
Regular: $30
Student: $15