American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) 

Founded in 1948, the American Research Center in Egypt is a private, nonprofit organization composed of educational and cultural institutions, professional scholars, and private individuals. ARCE's mission is to support research on all aspects of Egyptian history and culture, foster a broader knowledge about Egypt among the general public, and strengthen American-Egyptian cultural ties. ARCE provides a permanent archaeological and research base in Cairo for American scholars.

Through grants, fieldwork and field schools, ARCE’s partnership with Egyptians contributes to the shared goal of cultural heritage preservation. Over the years, ARCE’s strong relationship with the Ministry of Antiquities (MOA) (formerly the Supreme Council of Antiquities) has ensured the success of our work together. ARCE also publishes a yearly journal and conservation report and holds an annual conference.

President: Denise Doxey
Executive Director: Louise Bertini
General Email[email protected]

Membership - Annual Dues
Regular: $85 
Student: $55
Retired: $70

Egyptian membership is also available in EGP

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